MCM students tree planting day

The MCM students and their lecturers paid a visit to a local tree farming initiative at Mnarani in Kilifi County. This was a great learning experience on tree planting and its benefits.

Tree planting process

Mr Wanje demonstrating the planting procedure.

Mr Wanje is a farmer  in Kilifi County, he prides in tree planting which he developed as a passion at an early age and currently undertaking as a source of income for him and his family. 

We met him during a tree planting outreach with the Pwani University  Masters in Communication & Media (MCM) students accompanied by their lecturers. He was busy taking care of his plants and undertaking other farm activities when we visited .

Mr.Wanje agrred to spare a few minutes from his work  to tell us why he ventured into tree planting. He demonstrated the process and also shared some benefits of tree planting.

Tree planting at a glance with Sylvester Wanje………..